Awesome text-overflo...


awesome text-overflow inside firefox...:
другие самплы
<div class="box">
      Hey, don't cut me off like that. I want to speak my mind and don't appreciate being put into a box.
      Hey, don't cut me off like that. I want to speak my mind and don't appreciate being put into a box.
      Hey, don't cut me off like that. I want to speak my mind and don't appreciate being put into a box.
      Hey, don't cut me off like that. I want to speak my mind and don't appreciate being put into a box.
Новый листинг
скачать через терминал: wget && mkdir "awesome text-overflo..." && unzip 309 -d ./"awesome text-overflo..." && rm 309 && cd "awesome text-overflo..."" && git init
(ваш голос учтен)

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